Remaining physically active during pregnancy has been shown to have fabulous effects. These include reduced swelling and bloating, maintaining a healthy weight, lowering the severity of aches and pains and promoting good sleep and digestion. In terms of What, How Much and How Often, the Australian Guideline from the Australian Department of Health will host the most current guidelines regarding exercise during pregnancy (

Despite the guidelines, the level of safe and appropriate physical activity will differ from woman to woman and pregnant to pregnancy. Below is a list of general tips to consider, however prior to launching into anything, it is imperative to check everything with the medical practitioner who knows your health history, including your pregnancy.

When you feel pain, stop.

If you feel breathless or dizzy when standing or laying down during exercise, change your position, sit down to rest and hydrate or have something to eat.

During trimester 2 and 3, or when your bump becomes more pronounced, it’s widely recommended to avoid laying on your back (this goes for during sleep too). The reason being, it’s important to avoid compressing the major blood vessels as they can compromise blood flow to your baby.

Exercise the ‘Talk Test’ during physical activity. You should always be able to maintain a conversation while exercising. If you’re unable to talk, this is a sign that you’re probably overdoing it.

Keep exercises gentle and in motion. Try and opt for dynamic rotations instead of elongated holds and sustained stretching as you should avoid placing pressure on the major blood vessels that affect the flow of blood to your baby.

Stick to what you know. Pregnancy is not the time to take up a new sport or set a PB. Stick to the physical activities where you have a little muscle memory, always choose options that come with the least amount of injury risk, keep a stead pace and listen to your body. When in doubt, stop.

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